Wednesday, July 30, 2008

MMA Sport or Just Brawling

Well there are many mma fans out there and some see pure violence and some see skill. My view on MMA is it's a highly complex sport. I grew up in Martial Arts since the age of 7. Started in Traditional Karate, Then Kenpo, then Filipino Martial Arts, to finally now Submission and BJJ. So what I came to find is sparring and actual fighting is totally different from what we trained back when I first started Martial Arts. It's like everything I learned was out the door and in with the NEW. Which is what would more likely work in a situation. So my eyes were open. Now I mainly train for fitness and self-defense and love the MMA Sport.

MMA Fighters for the most part respect each other at one level or another. Whether it be Skill or Moral. They train as hard or if not harder then an NFL Player, NBA Player, Boxer, etc. What is great is once your in the ring. It's you and your opponent.

I appreciate when fighter give respect to each other after a great fight. Which to me is like a chess match or freestyle ballet or something. In a really great fight it gets complex.

Please post your comments on this subject: MMA SPORT OR JUST BRAWLING

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